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Portable UV-C LED Sterilizers

Health & Wellness
We're committed to enhance your wellness through safe and dynamic devices.

Portable Toothbrush Sterilizer
Convenient, lightweight and portable sterilizer designed to keep you protected from pathogens when life takes you to places.
Mouth Retainer Sterilizer
Keep your mouth fresh and free of infectious pathogens in minutes.

Family Toothbrush Sterilizer
Protect the well-being of your loved ones in minutes by making sure your family toothbrushes are free of infectious pathogens.
Razor Blade Sterilizer
Add an extra preventive measure to your grooming rituals. RS-01 makes it fast and easy!

Portable Mask Sterilizer
Keep your front-line preventive care gadgets free of pathogens. MS-01 effectively disinfects in minutes!
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